About me
I am a PhD student at Université de Montréal and MILA (Quebec AI Institute) under supervision of Aaron Courville.
Research Interests updating ...
EMNLP 2023
One paper is accepted to the Findings of EMNLP 2023!
Join MILA!
I joined Mila as a PhD Student!
IJCNN 2023
Two papers are accepted to IJCNN 2023!
ICLR 2023
One paper is accepted to ICLR 2023!
EMNLP 2022
Two papers are accepted to EMNLP 2022!
Brick Pal
First prize in the 32th Fengru Cup Innovation Competition!
MILA (Quebec AI Institute),
6666 Rue Saint-Urbain,
Montréal, QC H2S 3H1, Canada
xiaofng [DOT] zhang [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Potential Chat
I'm happy to connect with YOU. If you want to chat with me, please look at my available time slots in the following Google Calendar. You could directly send me an Google Calendar invite via my gmail address stating about what topic you would like to talk.